Experience Choosing Mattresses For The Elderly

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Experience Choosing Mattresses For The Elderly

The health of the elderly always depends heavily on the quality of sleep, usually when the age is over 50, the symptoms of sleeplessness appear continuously leading to many diseases in old age. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to our sleep, in parallel it is to choose the right soft mattress to improve this.

1. The health care feature for the elderly comes from the material of the mattress

For the elderly, we must be more cautious in choosing the material of the mattress. Currently there are many different mattresses such as spring mattresses, natural rubber mattresses, artificial rubber mattresses or synthetic rubber, mousse mattresses, pressed cotton mattresses, ... with different characteristics and features. . Every mattress has its own advantages, but depending on your age and health, you can choose the right mattress. Elderly people often suffer from insomnia, difficulty sleeping and most suffer from back pain, spinal pain, many people also suffer from spinal diseases such as disc herniation, spinal degeneration, ... therefore, Sleeping mattresses must have good support for bone health of the elderly.

Osteoarthritis experts believe that good mattresses for the elderly often have natural rubber or cotton. In fact, according to the survey, these materials ensure good rigidity, flatness and elasticity. These features support very well for shaping the skeleton, keeping the spinal column stable and straight in the correct shape. In addition, mattresses with good elasticity also help blood circulation effectively, not collapse, making bones bend and cause pain.

However, the mattress also needs to ensure smoothness, ventilation, not causing hot tunnel and fast moisture escape, suitable for hot and humid climate in our country. The current mattresses are designed modernly, the air vents on the mattress surface as well as the combination of multi-layered materials also bring more optimal effects to the mattress.

2. Suitable thickness and size

Older people are less flexible in moving so we need to focus on the height and thickness of the mattress. Besides, if the mattress is too high, it will make it harder to sleep in the elderly. The most suitable thickness ranges from 10 to 15cm, at this height, the mattress will be better ventilated than the mattress is too low or too thick.

For the size of the mattress, it should correspond to the size of the bed or bedroom. Currently, brands have many sizes for you to easily choose with prices that match the size of the mattress.

Select quality and reputable mattress brands

Not every good material is good, because if you do not know how to distinguish quality products and poor quality products, the wrong choice is sure, so to ensure your health, you should to reputable, genuine stores. Internet technology development, finding information on quality mattress brands is no longer difficult for everyone.

Some of the best quality natural rubber mattress brands today are: Kim Cuong, Van Thanh, TATANA, Lien A, Dunlopillo, Dong Phu, Kymdan, ...

Brands of outstanding cotton mattresses such as Edena, Everon, Kim Cuong, Han Viet Hai (Dupong), Lien A, TATANA, ...

In short, to take good care of the health of the elderly, it is necessary to equip a quality mattress. Good sleep quality will help the spirit to be happy, happier and happier!


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