What kind of mattress is good for pregnant women?

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What kind of mattress is good for pregnant women?

Pregnant women are often very sensitive and "difficult to", especially at night they often suffer from insomnia and discomfort, causing mood swings, affecting their health and fetal development. Therefore, taking care of the pregnant woman's sleep is extremely important. To enhance sleep comfort, pregnant mothers should choose a good and suitable mattress during this pregnancy.

Currently, there are countless different types of mattresses in the market from materials, features and models. So which mother should choose which mattress is good? The characteristics of a good mattress that mothers should care about are:
- Moderate hardness, ability to support the body on each part and protect the spine.
- Material must be skin-friendly, elastic and breathable, good moisture drainage.
- Designs, exquisite designs and colors, gently guarantee relaxation when sleeping, reduce stress.
  The following are the characteristics of the typical mattress lines today, which are considered suitable for pregnant mothers:
1. Latex mattress
Latex mattresses are a very good option for mothers to vote because of the high elasticity of the mattress and still ensure moderate smoothness. However, choose natural rubber mattresses
No impurities, strictly treated, completely eliminating unpleasant odors to sleep, the mother does not suffer from the smell of smell, easy to nausea and not good for breathing. Besides, natural rubber mattresses also bring more airiness than other rubber streams. Therefore, choose reputable brands, have international quality certification and safety for health.
Some reputable natural latex mattress brands that you can refer to such as TATANA, Lien A, Kim Cuong, Van Thanh, ...
2. Spring mattress
 The independent pocket spring mattress series is considered to be the most suitable for mothers elected by modern production technology, strengthening the mattress's strengths such as body support on each area, minimizing vibrations when lying down. , no subsidence and high elasticity.
Spring mattress lines are typical of quality such as: Dunlopillo, Lien A, Kim Cuong, Van Thanh, TATANA, ...
3. Pressed cotton mattress
 Pressed cotton mattresses with a thickness of 9 - 15 cm are extremely suitable for pregnant women, hardness is sufficient and more smooth, not too soft, causing subsidence when lying down. The next trait is quick drainage and less vibration when turning. Good cotton mattress also has high antibacterial ability, ensuring the mattress will bring a comfortable sleep to the mother.
The prominent cotton brand names: Everon, Edena, Van Thanh, Han Viet Hai, .....

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